var script_tag = document.getElementById('muuttolaatikot-iframe-js');
var query = script_tag.src.replace(/^[^\?]+\??/, '');
var ifrm = document.createElement("iframe");
var loader = document.createElement("div");
loader.setAttribute("id", "muuttolaatikot-iframe-loader");
ifrm.setAttribute("id", "muuttolaatikot-iframe-2020-01-17");
ifrm.setAttribute("src", "" + query);
if (window.addEventListener) {
window.addEventListener("message", onMessageFromIFrame, false);
else if (window.attachEvent) {
window.attachEvent("onmessage", onMessageFromIFrame, false);
function onMessageFromIFrame(event) {
// Check sender origin to be trusted
if (event.origin !== "" && event.origin !== "") return;
var data =;
if (typeof(window[data.func]) == "function") {
window[data.func].call(null, "");
//ifrm.setAttribute("onload", "this.height=this.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight;"); = "100%"; = "0";
function hideIframeLoader() {
//Backup if iframe call failed
setTimeout(function(){ hideIframeLoader() }, 5000);
/*! iFrame Resizer (iframeSizer.min.js ) - v4.2.9 - 2019-12-30
* Desc: Force cross domain iframes to size to content.
* Requires: iframeResizer.contentWindow.min.js to be loaded into the target frame.
* Copyright: (c) 2019 David J. Bradshaw -
* License: MIT
!function (l) { if ("undefined" != typeof window) { var e, m = 0, g = !1, o = !1, v = "message".length, I = "[iFrameSizer]", x = I.length, F = null, r = window.requestAnimationFrame, h = { max: 1, scroll: 1, bodyScroll: 1, documentElementScroll: 1 }, M = {}, i = null, w = { autoResize: !0, bodyBackground: null, bodyMargin: null, bodyMarginV1: 8, bodyPadding: null, checkOrigin: !0, inPageLinks: !1, enablePublicMethods: !0, heightCalculationMethod: "bodyOffset", id: "iFrameResizer", interval: 32, log: !1, maxHeight: 1 / 0, maxWidth: 1 / 0, minHeight: 0, minWidth: 0, resizeFrom: "parent", scrolling: !1, sizeHeight: !0, sizeWidth: !1, warningTimeout: 5e3, tolerance: 0, widthCalculationMethod: "scroll", onClose: function () { return !0 }, onClosed: function () { }, onInit: function () { }, onMessage: function () { E("onMessage function not defined") }, onResized: function () { }, onScroll: function () { return !0 } }, k = {}; window.jQuery && ((e = window.jQuery).fn ? e.fn.iFrameResize || (e.fn.iFrameResize = function (i) { return this.filter("iframe").each(function (e, n) { d(n, i) }).end() }) : T("", "Unable to bind to jQuery, it is not fully loaded.")), "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define([], q) : "object" == typeof module && "object" == typeof module.exports && (module.exports = q()), window.iFrameResize = window.iFrameResize || q() } function p() { return window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver || window.MozMutationObserver } function z(e, n, i) { e.addEventListener(n, i, !1) } function O(e, n, i) { e.removeEventListener(n, i, !1) } function a(e) { return I + "[" + function (e) { var n = "Host page: " + e; return !== window.self && (n = window.parentIFrame && window.parentIFrame.getId ? window.parentIFrame.getId() + ": " + e : "Nested host page: " + e), n }(e) + "]" } function t(e) { return M[e] ? M[e].log : g } function R(e, n) { s("log", e, n, t(e)) } function T(e, n) { s("info", e, n, t(e)) } function E(e, n) { s("warn", e, n, !0) } function s(e, n, i, t) { !0 === t && "object" == typeof window.console && console[e](a(n), i) } function n(n) { function e() { i("Height"), i("Width"), A(function () { P(b), S(y), d("onResized", b) }, b, "init") } function i(e) { var n = Number(M[y]["max" + e]), i = Number(M[y]["min" + e]), t = e.toLowerCase(), o = Number(b[t]); R(y, "Checking " + t + " is in range " + i + "-" + n), o < i && (o = i, R(y, "Set " + t + " to min value")), n < o && (o = n, R(y, "Set " + t + " to max value")), b[t] = "" + o } function t(e) { return p.substr(p.indexOf(":") + v + e) } function a(e, n) { !function (e, n, i) { k[i] || (k[i] = setTimeout(function () { k[i] = null, e() }, n)) }(function () { B("Send Page Info", "pageInfo:" + function () { var e = document.body.getBoundingClientRect(), n = b.iframe.getBoundingClientRect(); return JSON.stringify({ iframeHeight: n.height, iframeWidth: n.width, clientHeight: Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0), clientWidth: Math.max(document.documentElement.clientWidth, window.innerWidth || 0), offsetTop: parseInt( -, 10), offsetLeft: parseInt(n.left - e.left, 10), scrollTop: window.pageYOffset, scrollLeft: window.pageXOffset, documentHeight: document.documentElement.clientHeight, documentWidth: document.documentElement.clientWidth, windowHeight: window.innerHeight, windowWidth: window.innerWidth }) }(), e, n) }, 32, n) } function r(e) { var n = e.getBoundingClientRect(); return N(y), { x: Math.floor(Number(n.left) + Number(F.x)), y: Math.floor(Number( + Number(F.y)) } } function o(e) { var n = e ? r(b.iframe) : { x: 0, y: 0 }, i = { x: Number(b.width) + n.x, y: Number(b.height) + n.y }; R(y, "Reposition requested from iFrame (offset x:" + n.x + " y:" + n.y + ")"), !== window.self ? window.parentIFrame ? window.parentIFrame["scrollTo" + (e ? "Offset" : "")](i.x, i.y) : E(y, "Unable to scroll to requested position, window.parentIFrame not found") : (F = i, s(), R(y, "--")) } function s() { !1 !== d("onScroll", F) ? S(y) : H() } function d(e, n) { return W(y, e, n) } var c, u, f, l, m, g, h, w, p =, b = {}, y = null; "[iFrameResizerChild]Ready" === p ? function () { for (var e in M) B("iFrame requested init", L(e), M[e].iframe, e) }() : I === ("" + p).substr(0, x) && p.substr(x).split(":")[0] in M ? (m = p.substr(x).split(":"), g = m[1] ? parseInt(m[1], 10) : 0, h = M[m[0]] && M[m[0]].iframe, w = getComputedStyle(h), b = { iframe: h, id: m[0], height: g + function (e) { if ("border-box" !== e.boxSizing) return 0; var n = e.paddingTop ? parseInt(e.paddingTop, 10) : 0, i = e.paddingBottom ? parseInt(e.paddingBottom, 10) : 0; return n + i }(w) + function (e) { if ("border-box" !== e.boxSizing) return 0; var n = e.borderTopWidth ? parseInt(e.borderTopWidth, 10) : 0, i = e.borderBottomWidth ? parseInt(e.borderBottomWidth, 10) : 0; return n + i }(w), width: m[2], type: m[3] }, y =, M[y] && (M[y].loaded = !0), (l = b.type in { true: 1, false: 1, undefined: 1 }) && R(y, "Ignoring init message from meta parent page"), !l && (f = !0, M[u = y] || (f = !1, E(b.type + " No settings for " + u + ". Message was: " + p)), f) && (R(y, "Received: " + p), c = !0, null === b.iframe && (E(y, "IFrame (" + + ") not found"), c = !1), c && function () { var e, i = n.origin, t = M[y] && M[y].checkOrigin; if (t && "" + i != "null" && !(t.constructor === Array ? function () { var e = 0, n = !1; for (R(y, "Checking connection is from allowed list of origins: " + t); e < t.length; e++)if (t[e] === i) { n = !0; break } return n }() : (e = M[y] && M[y].remoteHost, R(y, "Checking connection is from: " + e), i === e))) throw new Error("Unexpected message received from: " + i + " for " + + ". Message was: " + + ". This error can be disabled by setting the checkOrigin: false option or by providing of array of trusted domains."); return !0 }() && function () { switch (M[y] && M[y].firstRun && M[y] && (M[y].firstRun = !1), b.type) { case "close": C(b.iframe); break; case "message": !function (e) { R(y, "onMessage passed: {iframe: " + + ", message: " + e + "}"), d("onMessage", { iframe: b.iframe, message: JSON.parse(e) }), R(y, "--") }(t(6)); break; case "autoResize": M[y].autoResize = JSON.parse(t(9)); break; case "scrollTo": o(!1); break; case "scrollToOffset": o(!0); break; case "pageInfo": a(M[y] && M[y].iframe, y), function () { function e(n, i) { function t() { M[r] ? a(M[r].iframe, r) : o() } ["scroll", "resize"].forEach(function (e) { R(r, n + e + " listener for sendPageInfo"), i(window, e, t) }) } function o() { e("Remove ", O) } var r = y; e("Add ", z), M[r] && (M[r].stopPageInfo = o) }(); break; case "pageInfoStop": M[y] && M[y].stopPageInfo && (M[y].stopPageInfo(), delete M[y].stopPageInfo); break; case "inPageLink": !function (e) { var n, i = e.split("#")[1] || "", t = decodeURIComponent(i), o = document.getElementById(t) || document.getElementsByName(t)[0]; o ? (n = r(o), R(y, "Moving to in page link (#" + i + ") at x: " + n.x + " y: " + n.y), F = { x: n.x, y: n.y }, s(), R(y, "--")) : !== window.self ? window.parentIFrame ? window.parentIFrame.moveToAnchor(i) : R(y, "In page link #" + i + " not found and window.parentIFrame not found") : R(y, "In page link #" + i + " not found") }(t(9)); break; case "reset": j(b); break; case "init": e(), d("onInit", b.iframe); break; default: e() } }())) : T(y, "Ignored: " + p) } function W(e, n, i) { var t = null, o = null; if (M[e]) { if ("function" != typeof (t = M[e][n])) throw new TypeError(n + " on iFrame[" + e + "] is not a function"); o = t(i) } return o } function b(e) { var n =; delete M[n] } function C(e) { var n =; if (!1 !== W(n, "onClose", n)) { R(n, "Removing iFrame: " + n); try { e.parentNode && e.parentNode.removeChild(e) } catch (e) { E(e) } W(n, "onClosed", n), R(n, "--"), b(e) } else R(n, "Close iframe cancelled by onClose event") } function N(e) { null === F && R(e, "Get page position: " + (F = { x: window.pageXOffset !== l ? window.pageXOffset : document.documentElement.scrollLeft, y: window.pageYOffset !== l ? window.pageYOffset : document.documentElement.scrollTop }).x + "," + F.y) } function S(e) { null !== F && (window.scrollTo(F.x, F.y), R(e, "Set page position: " + F.x + "," + F.y), H()) } function H() { F = null } function j(e) { R(, "Size reset requested by " + ("init" === e.type ? "host page" : "iFrame")), N(, A(function () { P(e), B("reset", "reset", e.iframe, }, e, "reset") } function P(n) { function i(e) { o || "0" !== n[e] || (o = !0, R(t, "Hidden iFrame detected, creating visibility listener"), function () { function n() { Object.keys(M).forEach(function (e) { !function (n) { function e(e) { return "0px" === (M[n] && M[n][e]) } M[n] && null !== M[n].iframe.offsetParent && (e("height") || e("width")) && B("Visibility change", "resize", M[n].iframe, n) }(e) }) } function i(e) { R("window", "Mutation observed: " + e[0].target + " " + e[0].type), c(n, 16) } var t = p(); t && function () { var e = document.querySelector("body"); new t(i).observe(e, { attributes: !0, attributeOldValue: !1, characterData: !0, characterDataOldValue: !1, childList: !0, subtree: !0 }) }() }()) } function e(e) { !function (e) { ? ([e] = n[e] + "px", R(, "IFrame (" + t + ") " + e + " set to " + n[e] + "px")) : R("undefined", "messageData id not set") }(e), i(e) } var t =; M[t] && (M[t].sizeHeight && e("height"), M[t].sizeWidth && e("width")) } function A(e, n, i) { i !== n.type && r && !window.jasmine ? (R(, "Requesting animation frame"), r(e)) : e() } function B(e, n, i, t, o) { var r, a = !1; t = t ||, M[t] && (i && "contentWindow" in i && null !== i.contentWindow ? (r = M[t] && M[t].targetOrigin, R(t, "[" + e + "] Sending msg to iframe[" + t + "] (" + n + ") targetOrigin: " + r), i.contentWindow.postMessage(I + n, r)) : E(t, "[" + e + "] IFrame(" + t + ") not found"), o && M[t] && M[t].warningTimeout && (M[t].msgTimeout = setTimeout(function () { !M[t] || M[t].loaded || a || (a = !0, E(t, "IFrame has not responded within " + M[t].warningTimeout / 1e3 + " seconds. Check iFrameResizer.contentWindow.js has been loaded in iFrame. This message can be ignored if everything is working, or you can set the warningTimeout option to a higher value or zero to suppress this warning.")) }, M[t].warningTimeout))) } function L(e) { return e + ":" + M[e].bodyMarginV1 + ":" + M[e].sizeWidth + ":" + M[e].log + ":" + M[e].interval + ":" + M[e].enablePublicMethods + ":" + M[e].autoResize + ":" + M[e].bodyMargin + ":" + M[e].heightCalculationMethod + ":" + M[e].bodyBackground + ":" + M[e].bodyPadding + ":" + M[e].tolerance + ":" + M[e].inPageLinks + ":" + M[e].resizeFrom + ":" + M[e].widthCalculationMethod } function d(i, e) { function n(e) { var n = e.split("Callback"); if (2 === n.length) { var i = "on" + n[0].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + n[0].slice(1); this[i] = this[e], delete this[e], E(c, "Deprecated: '" + e + "' has been renamed '" + i + "'. The old method will be removed in the next major version.") } } var t, o, r, a, s, d, c = ("" === (o = && ( = (t = e && || + m++ , null !== document.getElementById(t) && (t += m++), o = t), g = (e || {}).log, R(o, "Added missing iframe ID: " + o + " (" + i.src + ")")), o); function u(e) { 1 / 0 !== M[c][e] && 0 !== M[c][e] && ([e] = M[c][e] + "px", R(c, "Set " + e + " = " + M[c][e] + "px")) } function f(e) { if (M[c]["min" + e] > M[c]["max" + e]) throw new Error("Value for min" + e + " can not be greater than max" + e) } c in M && "iFrameResizer" in i ? E(c, "Ignored iFrame, already setup.") : (d = (d = e) || {}, M[c] = { firstRun: !0, iframe: i, remoteHost: i.src && i.src.split("/").slice(0, 3).join("/") }, function (e) { if ("object" != typeof e) throw new TypeError("Options is not an object") }(d), Object.keys(d).forEach(n, d), function (e) { for (var n in w), n) && (M[c][n] =, n) ? e[n] : w[n]) }(d), M[c] && (M[c].targetOrigin = !0 === M[c].checkOrigin ? function (e) { return "" === e || null !== e.match(/^(about:blank|javascript:|file:\/\/)/) ? "*" : e }(M[c].remoteHost) : "*"), function () { switch (R(c, "IFrame scrolling " + (M[c] && M[c].scrolling ? "enabled" : "disabled") + " for " + c), = !1 === (M[c] && M[c].scrolling) ? "hidden" : "auto", M[c] && M[c].scrolling) { case "omit": break; case !0: i.scrolling = "yes"; break; case !1: i.scrolling = "no"; break; default: i.scrolling = M[c] ? M[c].scrolling : "no" } }(), f("Height"), f("Width"), u("maxHeight"), u("minHeight"), u("maxWidth"), u("minWidth"), "number" != typeof (M[c] && M[c].bodyMargin) && "0" !== (M[c] && M[c].bodyMargin) || (M[c].bodyMarginV1 = M[c].bodyMargin, M[c].bodyMargin = M[c].bodyMargin + "px"), r = L(c), (s = p()) && (a = s, i.parentNode && new a(function (e) { e.forEach(function (e) { (e) { e === i && C(i) }) }) }).observe(i.parentNode, { childList: !0 })), z(i, "load", function () { B("iFrame.onload", r, i, l, !0), function () { var e = M[c] && M[c].firstRun, n = M[c] && M[c].heightCalculationMethod in h; !e && n && j({ iframe: i, height: 0, width: 0, type: "init" }) }() }), B("init", r, i, l, !0), M[c] && (M[c].iframe.iFrameResizer = { close: C.bind(null, M[c].iframe), removeListeners: b.bind(null, M[c].iframe), resize: B.bind(null, "Window resize", "resize", M[c].iframe), moveToAnchor: function (e) { B("Move to anchor", "moveToAnchor:" + e, M[c].iframe, c) }, sendMessage: function (e) { B("Send Message", "message:" + (e = JSON.stringify(e)), M[c].iframe, c) } })) } function c(e, n) { null === i && (i = setTimeout(function () { i = null, e() }, n)) } function u() { "hidden" !== document.visibilityState && (R("document", "Trigger event: Visiblity change"), c(function () { f("Tab Visable", "resize") }, 16)) } function f(n, i) { Object.keys(M).forEach(function (e) { !function (e) { return M[e] && "parent" === M[e].resizeFrom && M[e].autoResize && !M[e].firstRun }(e) || B(n, i, M[e].iframe, e) }) } function y() { z(window, "message", n), z(window, "resize", function () { !function (e) { R("window", "Trigger event: " + e), c(function () { f("Window " + e, "resize") }, 16) }("resize") }), z(document, "visibilitychange", u), z(document, "-webkit-visibilitychange", u) } function q() { function i(e, n) { n && (function () { if (!n.tagName) throw new TypeError("Object is not a valid DOM element"); if ("IFRAME" !== n.tagName.toUpperCase()) throw new TypeError("Expected